Participant’s Agreement | All sessions are run on the following principles: -This is a kind and supportive community. -Every participant should be treated with dignity and respect -Every person’s story and information should be kept confidential within the session (unless there is a safeguarding concern in which case please inform the coach) -Every person is trying their best and on an individual journey. -What is a helpful approach for one family may not work well for another. We respect different parenting styles to our own. -You are the expert on your family. -We all make mistakes. Life will not always go smoothly, but there is much we can learn from this. -Being kind to yourself and others when mistakes are made matters. -Honesty and clear communication are kind and the best way to avoid misunderstanding. This can be accomplished through assertive I – you statements “When you…. I feel… I need you to…” rather than aggression or passive aggressive behaviour.“Why don’t’ you just…..?” is rarely helpful or supportive Our common ground is seeking to make our families places of acceptance, belonging and connection where children grow up feeling seen, heard and understood. Coaching is a helpful tool to move forward and make this happen. Fun and play can be just as valuable as deep thinking and reflection! |
Changes | Group coaching sessions happen at scheduled times and cannot be rearranged if you cannot attend. If you miss a session and would like any notes or handouts sent to you please e-mail this request to Optimum Parent & Family. |
Communication between sessions | In agreeing to these terms and conditions the coach has permission to e-mail you with information and updates regarding sessions, useful resources and further reflections. The client may e-mail the coach between scheduled sessions if they have a problem or want to share a success. An individual response from the coach would be ideal, but cannot always be guaranteed. |
Problems | If the coach ever says or does anything in a session that the client doesn’t feel comfortable with or the client has any concerns with the way things are working, please let the coach know as soon as possible. For the work together to be effective, honesty between the client and the coach is essential.The coach cannot take responsibility for the other members of the group. However all members of the group will have agreed to the membership agreement above. Any breach of this will involve a conversation with the coach and potential removal from the programme. |
Termination | If you are unable to attend a session you have booked then 48 hours notice is required to ensure a full refund. If this is a sequence of sessions (eg book club) then this is 48 hours before the FIRST session only. |
Confidentiality | The coach recognises that anything the client shares is regarded as confidential, whether it is business or personal information. The coach undertakes not to, at any time, (unless required to do so by law*), either directly or indirectly, use or disclose any information shared with her during the sessions. For further details regarding this please refer to the Code of Ethics and Safeguarding Policy. All members of the group programme are requested to respect the confidentiality of other members however the coach cannot take responsibility for the actions of other participants. |
Legalities | The coach will maintain her professional indemnity insurance and compliance with regard to the Data Protection Act and the client’s details. |
What coaching offers | Supportive Listening – It’s space to offload, be heard and to reflect. Questions – These are questions to help you think things through and bring fresh perspective Working with you – It’s about aiming for your goals at the pace that works for you. It should feel challenging, but you choose how much challenge is best for you. Drawing out YOUR expertise -You are the expert on your family and situation. The coaching offers space to think and questions to draw out from you the best way forward in your situation. Positive focus – This is about looking ahead, working out your goals, what you want and focusing on what you can do to get there. Someone cheering you on – The great thing about a coaching partnership is that you have someone who wants to see you succeed and who will cheer you on and help you work out how to do this step by step. This makes a massive difference to motivation, confidence and the likelihood of success. |
What coaching doesn’t offer | Advising, teaching or telling you what to do – Sessions are all about helping you find your way to get unstuck, gain reassurance and know the best way forward for you and your family. Counselling – Sometimes through your coaching sessions you may become aware of things from the past that are holding you back. If you feel that you may benefit from some therapy for these things in addition to or instead of the coaching then there are other services that will provide this including: A magic wand – Whilst this would be awesome the reality is that change is often a slow process and can involve lots of ups and downs. There can be some valuable learning from what doesn’t go as expected. Remember to notice all that is going well and be kind to yourself. |
Nature of Coaching summary | The client should be aware that the coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological counselling or any type of therapy. Coaching results are not guaranteed. The client enters into the coaching with the full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results. Further information regarding the difference between coaching, mentoring, counselling and other forms of help guidance or support are available on request. |
*Information that must be disclosed includes if there is an imminent risk to the client or someone else of abuse or harm, if there are serious mental health issues such as the client is suicidal or information regarding a terrorist act. In such circumstances a referral would be made to an appropriate organisation such as the police, GP or social services, ideally with the client’s knowledge and consent.