Tag: behaviour
5 things to ask yourself when….. you’re concerned about your child’s masking
Sometimes, when we’re asking children to behave in certain ways or fit in we’re asking them to be less them. There are times in life when we all have to be a bit less “us.” To push through uncomfortable feelings for a greater good. Both neurotypical AND neurodivergent people all experience times of having to…
3 simple, but powerful questions for when your child is struggling
One of the hardest things as a parent is seeing your child struggle. It’s even more difficult if they struggle with everyday things most children are expected to “just do.” As well as their struggles you then have to deal with the big emotions this may bring up for them – for many children this…
The best day out you never knew you had!
Once upon a time we took one of our teenagers (and friend) on holiday. We were based on a brilliant site about 40 mins outside Amsterdam – it’s got a swimming pool with amazing slides and a theme park on site as well as a whole heap of other activities. We spent the bulk of…
Dear Parent feeling overwhelmed & on the edge
It’s not just you! This is how so many parents are feeling right now. Here’s a few reasons why and what you can do about it: This is before we also factor in any specific needs and challenges of your child or family. So what can you do which doesn’t cost even more energy? 1.…
5 Things You Can Do When You’ve Shouted Before It’s Even Breakfast
We all have days where from the moment you get up it’s all seems to go downhill. Then you find the cat’s been sick, there’s no clean uniform and your child is moving at the pace of a geriatric snail whilst arguing over anything and everything. Before you’ve even managed a mouthful of cornflakes you’ve…